# 部屬 Django 到 Heroku
# Create Heroku Application
Register Your Heroku
# in your dashbroad create new app
and give your app
- app name(can not use Big alphabet)
- region
# Install Heroku CLI
# Install PostgreSQL
Why we should install PostgreSQL
why we cannot use sqlite3
# Because Heroku not supported sqlite
# Create python virtual env
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| pip install virtualenv D: virtualenv linebot cd linebot Scripts\activate
# install pip module
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| pip install django pip install dj-database-url //heroku處理DB pip insyall dj-static //heroku處理靜態檔案 pip install gunicorn //heroku伺服器輔助模組 pip install psycopg2 pip install requests
# show virtualenv module
# create requirements.txt
create it in mysite folder
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| cd mysite pip freeze >requirements.txt
# create Procfile
create a “Procfile” in project folder and type the followings command in “Procfile”
| web: gunicorn --pythonpath mysite mysite.wsgi
web is meaning to open webapp
gunicorn --pythonpath mysite mysite.wsgi will according mysite folder urls.py setting to setup default page
# Create runtime.txt
this file is tell heroku which version of python we use(! that version must heroku supported)
# Create prod_settings.py
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| from .settings import * STATIC_ROOT = 'staticfiles' ALLOWED_HOSTS=["*"] DEBUG=False SECURE_PROXY_SSL_HEADER = ('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO', 'https')
# Create .gitignore
create it in mysite folder
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| *.pyc __pycache__ staticfiles ````
##### edit wsgi.py
```python= import os from django.core.wsgi import get_wsgi_application from dj_static import Cling os.environ.setdefault('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE', 'mysite.settings') application = get_wsgi_application()
# end up virtualenv mode
and login heroku
# Git
# Initailize project
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| git init heroku git:remote -a <herokuapp_name>
# set upo heroku use mysite folder prod_settings.py as website setting
| heroku config:set DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=mysite.prod_settings
# add project to repository
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| git add . git commit -am "init commit git push heroku master